Filio projects How to add data collectors when creating a project and customize data collectors’ access? Estimated reading: 3 minutes Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Log into your web account and click on the button named “NEW PROJECT” Step 2 Enter all the project information.In Filio Datat Collectors part, add the Filio Data Collectors to the project using their cellphone number. Once you enter the cellphone number, ensure to enter the “+” button to add them. You can add Data Collectors in bulk using the “Upload comma separated” button. If you have Data Collectors already added to the existing projects, you can simply use the “IMPORT USER PHONES” feature. Once you add Data Collectors, ensure to manage their access to what features they can use when they “Open in Web” feature in their Data Collector app. Data collectors can be added to or removed from the project later on.